
【Field Trip of Health Crisis Management Course|Taipei Disease Control Division】


Thanks to Prof. Yen, Muh-Yong, course Health Crisis Management (in EID), we will have opportunity to visit Taipei Disease Control Division on May 21, 2024. 
Feedback from Jie Yu Lau (Joey)(2nd-year Ph.D student, Malaysia):

I am grateful for the opportunity to visit the Taipei Disease Control Division. During this visit, we learned about the prevention and control of infectious diseases during and post-COVID-19, as well as the vaccination processes for various diseases through mobile digital platforms. To enhance specimen testing capacity during COVID-19, a 24-hour automated PCR machine was acquired and operational within several months. This significantly reduced the workload and sped up result times. Additionally, a friendly environment was established to facilitate numerous rapid HIV screenings, with the option for anonymous testing available online. This trip was incredible, and I gained a lot from the experience.

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